Fine Art Photography / Livro
Luzes do Leblon
Série fotográfica com pesquisa desenvolvida no decorrer de um ano de captura de imagens, entre o céu e o mar, durante o período de crepúsculo vespertino no Leblon, Rio de Janeiro.
100% do lucro da venda dos livros e de algumas das obras será revertido para instituições de ensino de Fotografia.
get embered* by BraSA+
Brazil and South America and
"you here"
*the phonetic sound of this combination BraSA+
couldn't be more real and based on lenses, media and technologies
Did you get it? you will
Open call / Exposição / Leilão
R&Pcult presents "YaYaYa (2022)", an original and contemporary initiative created to help accelerate the end of female genital mutilation - FGM - through Art. Is Art capable of awakening the sensitivity for the end of the barbarisms we are still facing in the adulthood of the 21st century?
In this open call, we are inviting artists to send their artworks that address the topic of female genital mutilation. We want to research and exhibit how contemporary art has been reflecting this humanitarian emergency, as well as promote collaboration and support from everyone in favor of - #EndFGM #YouthEndFGM - the end of Feminine Genital Mutilation worldwide, accelerating The United Nations goal to end FGM by 2030.